

Installation instructions.


Using pip

$ pip install litecli

See Usage section to see how to launch litecli.

MacOS (Homebrew)

In MacOS you can install it via homebrew.

$ brew tap dbcli/tap
$ brew install litecli


The package is available for Arch Linux via AUR. You can install them manually or with an AUR helper such as yay:

$ yay -S litecli

All other linux distros please install via pip. We don’t have RPM or DEB packages. If you’re interested in maintaining one, I’ll be grateful. :)


Python is not installed by default on Windows. The latest Python installation package can be downloaded from here. When installing, select the ‘Add Python to PATH’ option. Python must be in the PATH environment variable. NOTE: If Python was installed into the “Program Files” directory, you may need to open the command prompt as an administrator for the above command to succeed. Once Python is installed and in the PATH environment variable, open a command prompt, and install litecli using the below command.

Installation via pip

C:\> pip install litecli

See Usage section to see how to launch litecli.